Drum Basic
Note: You need a plugin ( Cresendo, QT... ) in order to listen to music from this page!
This tutorial will show you how to program the Floops to play the rock beats.
First, you'll need to build the drum set for rock.
You will need the Base Drum ( BD ), Snare Drum ( SD ), Closed Hi Hat ( CHH ),
And the Open Hi Hat ( OHH )
Start the Floop, File > Drum Kit > Basic : Display a 4 channel basic kit.
From the Sample Browser ( if not already shown, press [ control ] + B,
Or View > Sample Browser. ) , drag the BD to the 1st channel, SD to the 2nd channel,
HH to the 3rd channel and CHH to the 4th channel.
It will look like this:
For the basic Rock beats, use the default Pattern Length of 16 slots for Each Measure ,
Each slot has a value of 1/16th of a note.
Start laying the BD beats by left click 1st and 9th slots,
Next SD beats at 5th and 13th slots,
Then CHH beats every other slots start from the 1st.
Now it should look like this:
![[Measure A]](ma.jpg)
You've just created measure A, now click Play and listen to your creation.
Life would be boring if you keep on playing this measure for the whole song,
Just like touching your wife days after days, years after years, you need a change
once in a while like homing on her sis or her aunt instead!( Disclaimer: The author
assumes no responsibility if you do just that and your wife decides to fix it for good! )
On the Pattern Selector, click # 2, On the channel slots, put on exactly the same slots
as Pattern # 1, on the BD click an extra at slot 15, It should look like this:
![[Measure B]](mb.jpg)
You also need to create a Break, click on Pattern # 3 ,
copy exactly like Pattern #2,
At the SD channel, click the extra slots at 3rd, 4th and 7th.
It should look like this:
Now you can combine measure A, B, and Break in any combination to create
drum track for the song. Eg: A B A B Break or A A B B Break �etc�
Go to Play List : View > Loop PlayList or [ control ] + L and click on the
combination you like,
Something likes this:
![[Play List]](plist.jpg)
Now click on Loop ( lighted: Enable ) and Play to listen to it.
End lesson #1.
Next lesson: could be one of the Cha cha, Tango, Hip Hop, Reggae, Rap, Waltz �
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Down Load Rock Basic in Floops' format
Written by Van Nguyen on Oct. 2, 1999
Copyright © 1999