Government Policy: Chopping down the whole tree for a bow of cherries?
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Dark secret about the government:click here
Musical history:click here
Platoon connection:click here
The machine has a mind of its' own?
Is there any case in which the car changes the attitude by day, noisy as if it's
breaking down to pieces today, then running smooth as silk tomorrow, and running
noisy again a day after tomorrow?
That's exactly the case of my car, every time I see the police going out in rows either
to line up the street where I was driving on, or to escort me for no apparent reason,
I would either get sick from having foods and drinks at a restaurant, or something would
happen to my car!
On Oct 4th, 1999, When I saw some police cruiser at some place like as if they were there
to pick on me, I thought to myself: Gee, they're gonna do something to me!
Latter on that day, my car sounded as if it was breaking apart! How did I know?
It happened twice before, I didn't say a word, It cost me one engine each time.
Then I wrote the Government Policy, the next day my car run as smooth as silk,
now its health is in the reverse trend as the stock markets, whenever the stock
market go up, it gives noise. Am I talking silly here? Well, back in early 90's,
appart from the 2 engines, when an undercover asked me if I wanted to buy a starter
from him, the starter of my car got burn latter that day, I brought the car to
the garage to have it fix, when I brought the car back, the same scum laughed at my face,
the starter got burn again latter that day! They must have showed off their power that
they can do anything to me any time, and they they put on the police sirrens to go with
those! It sounds silly, but it unfortunately was the facts, and I still have the
receipts from the garages.
Then came the worst train crash in England, That made me wonder:
A reminiscence of the late 70 when they stole my music to make big bucks, when plane crashed
in rows, one after another, then they talked about the anti-Christ, 666, great dictator,
and plotted the whole thing on me!
Oh sure, would any dictator, great or small, let those crooks steal his fortune,
has to live on U.I.C. or welfare, and use his power to crash planes and killed
innocent people? He would kill his enemy first, wouldn't he?
It's the music; they stole my music and probably plotted the same thing all over
again. Last time, I didn't say anything until it was too late. What did they steal
from me? What a big deal about that? Well, how much the top hits from the albums of
Rick Martin, Back Street Boys, and another top ten hit worth? I didn't care much
for whatever they worth, but since innocent blood already shed, I have to speak out:
Yes, those hits were made from my music. No, I didn't completely finish them, just some
mumbling jumbles pieces of words and music which I intended to finish latter,
they stole them, polished and finished them to make the big hits. No matter how
nice those musicians are, they were indeed getting stolen properties from the very
evil and murderous gang. One thing is for sure, They can't steal from me again, ever!
Written by Van Nguyen on Oct. 8, 1999.
Next: Public Services or public enemies?
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