The Honourable Crook!
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The machine has a mind of its' own?:click here
Government Policy: Chopping down the whole tree for a bow of cherries?
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Dark secret about the government:click here
Musical history:click here
Platoon connection:click here
EgyptAir 990, an act of sabotage?
3 P.M. Nov. 19, 1999. I went to some Video and multimedia stores on Queen St.
East to look at some equipment. At the first one, I was sneered at by some strangers for no
apparent reason. Strange? I didn't think so. At the second store, one clerk said to himself:
" My name is Gameel ". I didn't show any interest. the same guy repeat again, only this time
a bit louder, intentionally to be heard by me. Oh sure, I heard him, and I also noticed
that there were uniformed police lined up the street while I was on my way there. "What is
this" I thought to myself - is that the same gang who stole my music, sabotage the jet
plane, now turned around and harassed me for it? I knew them
well enough to know what they planted, but I wouldn't know who or where they strike next.
( click here to read what I wrote about that on Oct. 8, 1999 ). Back to the clerk, I asked:
" Is your name Gameel? "
" No " he said. Then why did he yell that name at me?
Now thing are definitely clearer, I said loudly to myself: " CSIS! "
A guy in brown leather jacket walked out from the back of the store.
Surely, I thought to myself: "that must be the bloody under covered, the crook with
a badge, a licensed criminal! " Obviously, it must be the case, since no foreign agents
like the CIA or the former Russian KGB could walk in to a store in Canada and ask a clerk
to yell at somebody the name of a dead pilot who they tried to slander for the crime of
suicidal sabotage or to ask a waiter and food server at a restaurant to put poison, chemical
or virus into somebody foods and drinks like it happened to me so many times before!
Did Gameel, the pilot, who either committed suicide or committed an act of sabotage which
also killed himself?
If that's the case then he must be the only one pilot aboard the jet. But according to the
news, there were 12 pilots and / or copilots aboard that doom flights.
How could a pilot sabotage the plane while other pilots were watching without any evident
of struggle and still have time to pray?
How about the case of J.F.K. junior? did he commit an act of suicidal sabotage himself too?
I didn't think so, suicidal: NO, sabotaged by his enemy: Yes, That must be the case!
There were similarities between JFK crash and the doom flight Egypt Air 990:
The characteristic behaviors of the planes indicated the mechanical failures
of the control system, possibly loosing the hydraulic fluid ( if the system is hydraulic).
Here are the facts:
The control system of the JFK's plane lost the fluid, the control surface fluttered, the
plane lost altitude quickly and veered to one side by the wind pressure. JFK junior tried
to counter steer, but he couldn't judge the gripping power of the loosing fluid,
so he over steered before the control lost all the power which send the plane into a
dead spin.
The fate of the Egypt Air 990 bear the strikingly resemblance, the pilot tried to counter
the control system which were loosing the control power, they over pulling it up dues to
the fact that they couldn't judge the power of the loosing grip of the control.
"What's happening" one pilot said. " Work with me. Pull with me " the other pilot reply.
Was that an evident of a struggle? Would the one who is driving a car into a brick wall
ask the other to work with him, steer with him? You don't steer into a brick wall, you
DRIVE straight into it. If you STEER, you STEER OUT of it.
Like the plane, you don't pull it down, you pull it up!
It was the evidence the plane loosing the grip of the control surface, and one pilot asking
the other to help him to pull the plane up!
When they didn't know exactly how to regain the control, they might have different opinion,
but I don't think they fought with each other for the control.
There were evidence of the control surfaces going into opposite directions.
Could they physical do it with the controls?I think that the control surfaces were flutter,
and the computer were fooled into that indication.
The engine was cut off before the crash. I think that was an desperate act to cushion
the blow.
If you are driving a car and you suddenly lost the control of the steering wheel and the
brake while heading straight to a brick wall, would they call you stupid because
you shut the engine off? you or someone in the back seat might have a chance for survival!
When you did all you could, what else's left to do?
If you are an unbeliever, you might as well kiss your butt good-bye,
But if you are a Christian or a Muslim, would they call you a terrorist because you put
your faith in god and pray?
Written by Van Nguyen on Nov.19, 1999.
Next: Public Services or public enemies?
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