EgyptAir 990: More facts:click here
The Honourable Crook!
:click here
The machine has a mind of its' own?:click here
Government Policy: Chopping down the whole tree for a bow of cherries?
:click here
Dark secret about the government:click here
Musical history:click here
Platoon connection:click here
Public Service or Public Enemy?
When they said that they would take care of the swarming problems, they sent a bunch
of thugs acting as if they were going to swarm me. I suspect that those were the pigs' brats!
When they said that they would wipe out the squeegee kids, they used their own squeegee
thugs to harass me. They thought that they could set me up against the kids, two birds for
one stone? There's a little catch, I could smell a pig within a mile. Even if I'd been
harassed by an ordinary bad kid, I wouldn't help them pigs to strike back on the poor!
When I pointed out that uniformed police harass me for going to the Video, Audio and
musical stores to buy the equipment, they now used thugs to harass, intimidate and to pick a
fight with me. Well, if you ever get into a similar situation and you think that you may need
to carry conceal weapon to protect yourself, that's when their dirty trick comes into play!
whenever thugs are out to bully you, no cop's around but whenever you show your weapon
to protect yourself, thugs vanished and uniformed police are all over the places to get you.
For me, I don't carry weapon and I fear no evils, man or beast! They said if you complaint
against one cop, the entire force will be out to get you! Well, they can shoot me anytime
they want and I always expose my back, not only for the city police only but all of them
together, CSIS, RCMP and what formerly known as the KGB on top of that!
Am I a suspected criminal because I read video, music technical magazines imported from
U.K, U.S? well, to them, I'm practically a suspected criminal for doing anything or even
nothing at all! Yes, they wanted it both ways and they used to have it both ways because
they are the Law! Remember the China town shootings? back then, whenever I went to China
town, there were police cruisers all over the places to escort me as if I had been a
big gangster's boss. Then there were shootings soon after, every and each times it happened.
Then the mass media, Newspapers, TV and radio giving the reports about the gangsters
who had the profiles fit exactly that of mine, how they came from the Vietnam, where war
caused the immense psychological damage on people, how it turn people into the killing
machines. Oh sure, very believable of them, the police and the entire mass media system,
but there was a little catch, they picked on me! I pointed out that those gangsters, if the
war caused them that horrible psychological damages according to the news, how could it
happened, because when the war ended, most of those gangsters were babies, not to mention
some of them weren't even been born? When the news predicted that the problem would last
for a long time, I pointed it out to the Chinese, who almost went bankrupt because shootings
scared people off China town, what was the conspiracy behind it: No more shooting!
What was the conspiracy behind it? The police with all the hi-tech equipment, spied on me,
recorded every single word I said, stole my music in a flash, and yet suspected me as a
criminal? A long time ago, when I was a student at York University, I was told that I could
never graduate and could never get married. I felt that the prediction was very stupid since
I was doing very well, studying hard and let them steal my music and stories for movies
which were all top grossing money makers, one after another without complaining. People
though that I was either a saint or sheer stupid, didn't know the values of money. Yes, I
knew the values of money and also knowing the filth going with it! I was counting on
graduation, getting a good job, getting married, having a good life and then giving away more
music and whatever story for movies when asked for. I thought that I was smart but I wasn't
smart enough for the valuable lesson: never to feed the devils, they considered the stability
of my life a draw back for their advantage, so they plotted their plan.
Well it took the down fall of the American in 1979 to ruin my career as a student,
and almost ruined my life forever. Hey Americans, You want to know who plotted the down
fall of U.S. of A. in 1979, contact me. How about News week, Time, New York Time,
Washington Post? So fast on stories of Clinton's bedrooms, weren't they?
What about supermarket tabloids, so convincing about stories of alien abductions,
celebrities being gay...? Do they all know the truth or wanted to know but since
American prosper from the goods stolen from me that they conspired to keep the silence?
Written by Van Nguyen on Nov.25, 1999.
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