Public Service or Public Enemy, Part II: Do Pigs Fly?:click here
EgyptAir 990: More facts:click here
The Honourable Crook!
:click here
The machine has a mind of its' own?:click here
Government Policy: Chopping down the whole tree for a bow of cherries?
:click here
Dark secret about the government:click here
Musical history:click here
Platoon connection:click here
Clear Majority: A Basic Principle of Democracy?
If fifty per cent plus one is not a clear majority then what is? fifty five? sixty?
sixty five? still NOT a clear majority? how about 99.9 per cent? I'm still not sure,
if 50 percent plus one is not a clear majority then what else which is less than a
hundred per cent would be?
What is this CLEAR MAJORITY GARBAGE anyway?
Assuming that they got their way, then what?
What is more important than choosing the people to run the country, spending our tax
money, running our lives? may be they didn't have a CLEAR MAJORITY with our votes
the last election after all. Let's kick those good for nothin' thickheaded loutish coots
out of their offices so we can choose again for people with a real CLEAR MAJORITY
( whatever it is, by their own definition! ).
What about the POLL, the poll which showed that people supported that CLEAR
MAJORITY rubbish? Oh, the poll which made our politicians react like those grade
school pupils: some jumped up and down, gloating with joy, some ran for cover with
heads limped down in sorrow?
Let's take a closer look at this polling business: How many people was surveyed
altogether, a thousand or two over the population of millions? Do those who agree
represent a CLEAR MAJORITY? ( sorry for the rotten usage of the repetition of the
phrase CLEAR MAJORITY, but that's exactly what it is, rotten, corrupted garbage ).
OK, the text book says that the sample scientifically is chosen so that the result would
be correct, wouldn't it be? Wait a minute here, sample, WHAT SAMPLE?
What if the same people who were behind the BRE-X sample, also behind the poll?
They did hit the mother lodge, didn't they?
Hey, with their tactics, I can conduct a survey which gives any result which you decided
beforehand! For an example: If you conduct the survey about the Quebec separation in
Ontario or B.C., what would the result be? as you already guessed, the result should
be almost a hundred per cent "NO".
But you want the survey to be conduct in Quebec since the survey conducted in B.C. or
in the rest of Canada wouldn't be of much use, would it?
As you already guessed, if you ask a thousand of people at the Bloc Quebecois or Party
Quebecois' camps, you would get almost a hundred per cent "YES" unless their policy
is to use the separation cause only as the bargaining chip for power.
Now, how many per cent of the result you want to be "NO" ? says, seventy five?
All I need now is the list of the pro-Liberal or pro-federalist, then I would use the
computer to pick eight hundred of them "randomly" out of a thousand picked from the
entire Quebec population. Guess what I would get?
So much for this polling business, isn't it?
Hey, If "the crook" himself involved in this case? Do "tar and feathers" ring a bell here?
Written by Van Nguyen on Dec. 20, 1999.
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Copyright © 1999