Clear Majority: A Basic Principle of Democracy?
:click here
Public Service or Public Enemy, Part II: Do Pigs Fly?:click here
EgyptAir 990: More facts:click here
The Honourable Crook!
:click here
The machine has a mind of its' own?:click here
Government Policy: Chopping down the whole tree for a bow of cherries?
:click here
Dark secret about the government:click here
Musical history:click here
Platoon connection:click here
Am I a worthless person?
So am I not good enough for anything? Never mind that good job I'm supposed
get with my B. Sc. in Computer Science. By their standard, I'm not even good
enough for the manual jobs, technicians, laborers...
When I applied for a job as a professional programmer, the spy agency warned
people about foreign industrial spies trying to steal trade secretes, and they
harassing me as a spy. Me, industrial spy? what's an irony! consider it came from
those who stole my invention - the fiber-optics - one of my brainchild.
How much it worth? must be lots of money and that's not the only one.
How about a little sketch from me that was used to build the hundred millions
game industry: The Trivial Pursuit - I didn't create the name, just the sketch.
I've learnt humanity the very hard way: when you lend money to those who never
had the intention to repay, they'd avoid you like a plague - for that, I can accept
without any grief. if someone steal things from, they'd try to make you look like a
crook or a shop lifter. If they steal intellectual properties from you, they'd would
try to make you look like a moron. There were many more of those, in hundreds,
( Too much? remember, Tom Edison had more than a thousand paterned inventions. )
like the skate board: Yes, the skate board that grossed hundred of millions, they
keep the money and turned around to attack me: remember 666? they implied
me as the false prophet, the great Satan, prince of darkness who in a evil way,
invented the skateboard which look like a coffin! Oh sure, call me anything
they want, but now I want my money back, if I can't keep a single penny from it,
I would like to give it to those who are in need like the Venezuela flood victims,
the poor and the have not like those in the third world. No, I don't try to be
a prophet or anything, just for a simple reason: at least, they won't spit on my
face, treat me like a criminal like the crooks from Canadian government.
Why didn't I try to build the invention and pattern it? That's the reason why
the government, the police and the spy agency have been trying hard to keep
me out of job, control my life: the harder I work, the heavier punishment I
get from them: poison in the foods and drinks that cripple me, drugs that give
headache, they even try to cripple me physically like asking to lift something
very heavy at work, they keep on put on more and more on me until my spine
popped. That was a very long time ago, when I started my first job in a green house
I remember that it was sometimes after they stole the music piece named Home
Coming from me - I never fully recover from the injury, my back is still bothering
me. Another time, they ask me to hold something at work for them to strike with a
water pipe, I suspected there was ill intention and refused but was forced
to do as told by a coworker whom I suspected being a police agent. He did strike
my hand, I was prepared and got off without any broken bone, just a swollen
hand with a big concussion. I remember that date very well because It was Dec.
6, 1989, the same day they plotted the Montreal Massacres when I 'd just started
a job with CN rail. Plotted? yes, because before that, they kept asking me if I'd
known a lot of girls from Quebec and details about my personal relationship.
I didn't give them what they were looking for and then came the massacres.
How did they do it? that's the subject for another article.
Written by Van Nguyen on Dec. 25, 1999.
Email:[email protected]
Copyright © 1999